Saturday, June 7, 2014

Darien, GA June 2-3, 2014

June 2-3, 2014 
Hercules plant in Brunswick, GA
Everyone simply HAS to go to Darien, GA. NOT! Why Clay chose that destination for yesterday and overnight is beyond me; maybe it's the midpoint between where we were (St. Simons Island) and where we are going (Savannah). No, but can't be that because we are anchoring out tonite--oh joy!

Marker in the Darian River
We are in what some locals might fondly call marshlands. Highly impacted by tides. But of greater impact on us is the nesting ground for what materialized yesterday as horseflies. Hundreds of them. Boy am I a good sport--or stupid! I decided to make a game out of whacking the little suckers on the fly bridge ceiling, on the handrails, benches/cushions, etc. (NOTE: I will not whack them on a person other than myself!) With a fierce determination and force of intent, I probably killed some 150 or so horseflies (NO LIE!) They, of course, play dead when they are only stunned (not all of my shots were spot-on bullseye of course), so that kept me picking them up and finalizing their demise with a paper towel or kleenex. It was fun until it wasn't. Good exercise! Probably burned some 300 calories or so. A good workout, unfortunately I feared my back was gonna tell on me this morning due to the contortions I was in to access the 'bugs' squarely. (Do you think I could market this new sport with any degree of success? Wanna buy a share in my new company? Further note: No ill effects on body parts today!)

Volunteer dockmaster David Butler
Because they were landing on me (YUK!) and also biting me, I put a beach towel over my bare shoulders and clipped the 'cape' together with two clothespins. Unfortunately, I must have looked like Zorro wielding a fly swatter. As I said, it was funny until it wasn't. Clay complimented my target skills; I reminded him I was a freshman PE major at Mizzou.

Skippers dock
The horsefly clean up.
Once docked at this fabulous (tongue in cheek) Darien location (free dock, with no water or electricity available, attached to a restaurant which implied you were expected to eat dinner there...OK by me), I had to arm myself with Clorox Clean-up and a damp rag to wipe down the surfaces where the numerous horseflies had suffered their final demise. I was NOT gonna sit there nor rest my arm nor back against those surfaces without disinfecting them.
City docks below bridge
As I said, it was funny until it wasn't. I feared more horseflies today as we had to retrace part of our path to get back to the ICW, which meant more marshland travel. So far, not bad; some, but not nearly the numbers of yesterday. FYI, the NOT FUNNY part was, on our morning walk this morning, we were attacked by deer flies (ID'd due to their coloring, which I was only able to assess by viewing the remaining 'body' parts of the one that had bitten my right shoulder). We had no escape but to go back from where we came (the boat). I was nearly/literally hyperventilating as I jogged (actually I was in a dead run until I ran out of steam) ahead of Clay to get away from them. I left him in my wake; each man for himself!

Damaged city docks right of pier
Well, I must say that all of these other women who are Looping with their husbands can't possibly have enjoyed a day like yesterday any more than I did! Maybe their captain husbands drive interior with air conditioning and protection, and not on the fly bridge. Or maybe they did not choose Darien as a destination???? FYI, we arrived in Darien as a three-piece local band started playing (a benefit concert on the deck of the restaurant/bar with proceeds going to a local B&B which had recently burned). The band was actually pretty good and played good music selections. Was a kind ending to a not-so-kind day! We made a contribution, ate at Skipper's Fish Camp and retired back to the boat for the night. 

A popular yard ornament
Fundraiser at Skippers
Strong tidal currents
These currents/tides are something else! Our departure this morning was hindered by said currents as well as a little 20+' runabout docked closeby. We made our exit unscathed; I was tempted to stay on the dock instead of jumping aboard, but that would not have been a wise choice under those conditions; would have been really tough for Clay to return for me--and I was positive he would have tried. Plus, I was done with Darien!

Shrimp boats at Darian, GA
My day was just brightened (2:38 p.m. now) by a number of dolphins jumping alongside. Nothing like that sight to perk a person up (kinda like seeing eagles on the Mississippi!). We plan to anchor at Redbird Creek (GO CARDS! for us St. Louis fans!) tonight where we will arrive late afternoon on our way to 

Just to give you a longer-than-brief update. This was not intended to be humorous. But, when I can laugh about it, I'll be (seeking the appropriate word choice here...) drinking!

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