Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Getting the Vessel Ready for Sea

Capt. Clay arrived at SaSea Sally in Sturgeon Bay, WI on Saturday 8/4/12.  Drove through storms and rain for the last two hours.  Discovered several spots were rain water was dripping from the port door frame and rear salon door.  Several measures to correct the leaks have been taken and from the forecast, we'll get another leak test over the next 24 hours.

I've spent the last 10 days making the ship ready.  Sorting stuff, stowing stuff and most importantly, CLEANING.  Alex, a local 19 year old, helped me for several days and we made quite a bit of progress.  Great Lakes Yacht services has had guys working on the boat sporadically during this time replacing burned out pilot lights, fixing the holding tank level gages, and other sundry repairs.

Upon arrival I saw my new "hinged" mast which will allow me to go through the Chicago Loop via boat on our trip home.  It still takes 3 people to lift or lower the mast but it is a big improvement that will allow me to go under 17' bridges.

A powerful external Wi-Fi booster was installed on the mast so we can pick up and use Wi-Fi signals from up to a half mile away that wouldn't even show on our computer normally leave alone be useable with out the booster. I purchased a Verizon Mi-Fi unit which allows several computers to connect through it to the internet via cellular signals.  So we now have two ways to connect to the internet.  We carry two laptops and a printer/scanner/copier so we are a floating office.

Sally and her twin sister Susan arrive in Milwaukee Sunday evening-that is a 3 hour drive each way.  I'll pick them up and we will come back to Sturgeon Bay after some shopping and dinner-a late night.

Our first guests took a nice afternoon cruise today, Kitty and Jim Robers.  Kitty is my good friend Randy Schmitt's sister.  We cruised Sturgeon Bay and dipped our toe in Lake Michigan which had 1-3 ft waves.  They were good crew and the trip was a good opportunity for me to become more familiar with this boat.

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