Monday, December 16, 2013

Journey back to MO

Winte rwonderland in our backyard--don't look at the ice and snow!
December 12, 2013.   Sally and I are back in the freezing cold!!!

We switched our flight last week from a non-stop to a one stop/no plane change going through Raleigh, NC as it got in to STL 45 minutes earlier and sounded like a “safe” intermediate stop location weather-wise.  We awoke the day of departure with a message from Southwest that the one-stop plane’s departure would be delayed.  
Missouri sunrises are OK too!
On the trip to the airport, we got a second message that the flight had been delayed further—oh, well for getting into STL 45 minutes earlier.  When we got to the airport, LOTS of flights, especially along the east coast, had been delayed or cancelled. 

When we arrived at the airport I pleaded with the Southwest clerk to switch us back to the original, non-stop flight figuring there was less landings and less chance of a cancellation, etc.  No dice unless we paid an additional $200.  Turns out the original non-stop was delayed getting to STL a whole lot due to the nearly system wide slow down.

We got to the airport, ate lunch, and settled in at the gate for a wait of several hours.  I decided to check with the counter and they advised that the flight had switched gates, the plane was at the new gate now, and would leave at the time scheduled when we initially booked the flight!!!  We scurried to the new gate to find that rather than using the plane that had been delayed (which hadn’t even left its prior stop, New Orleans yet), SWA had dug up another plane and crew that were already in Tampa.  Despite 175 mph headwinds we made it into STL only a few minutes late—hurray for Southwest.

BONUS  This is the first flight we’ve been on for years that was less than half full on both legs!!!!!!!

On the way home from the St Louis airport I looked at the temperature--15f!  Since that night Louisiana has seen 4-5" of snow, freezing rain, and near 0f temps.  It is great to be back in MO.

Eagles in our tree overlooking the Mississippi River

We will be in Missouri for the next 4 weeks, with a side trip to UT snow skiing, so there won't be any new posts to this blog until after mid-January 2014. The SaSea Sally is moored at Marker1 Marina in Dunedin, FL.  It is great to watch the eagles perched on our trees and flying over the river.

Our bikes disappeared from the dock Sat. night Dec. 7 so after an exhaustive search we reported them as stolen to the Dunedin police, the marina and everyone we saw around the marina.  The marina graciously offered to have their diver look in the water near where the bikes were parked.  A marina staff member called Saturday saying the weekend watchman had the bikes safely in the storage building.  Despite the bikes being nearly 45 years old, we were thrilled to have them back!!!  Christmas came early!

Adventure??? You decide!

December 5, 2013  As we approach Marker 1 Marina in Dunedin, FL, having departed Tarpon Springs early afternoon in keeping with the tide (gee, another something to factor in now), we have a bridge approaching. Or rather, we are approaching the bridge. 

Clay radioes/intercom's me as I'm inside the salon (he, on the fly bridge) and says, 'come up here.' I obey. His "Do we go under the bridge?" (Duh, of course we go under the bridge; Marker 1 is on the other side), meant "Do we FITunder the bridge?" NOW MIND YOU...we are approaching the bridge at usual cruising speed of 9.0 mph and now within 4-5' of going UNDER (or not). 

Stress? YOU BET! Should we not have checked this out BEFORE where we are now? I spy the 19' min on the bridge marker, having ÑO CLUE (hey, I like that Spanish accent mark that just appeared on this silly's appropriate) as to what that means, but taking a good guess that clearance is 19' and POINT ÌT OUT (where are all of these accent marks coming from????), then Clay picks up the laminated spec sheet on the SaSea Sally and notes we are 20'4". HELLO. Panic city. 

Then he says, "Well, that's at the tapered ends. How are we looking?" as we pass under. HE DID IT ON PURPOSE!!! I SWEAR HE DID!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Enjoying Tarpon Springs FL

Monday, December 9:  Looking back on the Monday after Thanksgiving of our Crossing, the one thing I vividly remember is Clay saying to me at 3:50 a.m. as we got out of bed, "I'm in no hurry." Hello! Why are we getting up at 3:50 a.m.? As the day played out, we made our journey with time to spare, but didn't know that on the front end. We joined many other Looper boats at Turtle Cove Marina end point, many having left Carrabelle Sunday mid-afternoon and making an overnight crossing. We traveled at an average of 19 mph, having 2-440 hp diesels and thus able to travel at a higher rate of speed than those overnighters who travel at about 10 mph max speed. Following our arrival on Monday, there were others who docked on Tuesday. It seems that Turtle Cove, Tarpon Springs, FL was a popular southern endpoint.

We had plenty of time to explore Tarpon Springs, having now arrived in a warmer climate than the area along the panhandle coastline and wishing to unwind after the anticipation of crossing the Gulf of Mexico. The marina was located in historic downtown Tarpon Springs, offering and promoting the usual mix of touristy attractions. "Boutiki Hut" immediately caught my attention. This area is highly populated by Greek descendants, and we found Greek restaurants in abundance as well as a huge sponge exchange, the harvesting process brought over from the Mediterranean and used in the waters of the Gulf.

Having opened my closet on Tuesday morning to find the pole and accompanying clothes and hangers on the bottom of the closet floor, our walking destination that morning was ACE Hardward where Clay bought fittings and changed out such to reposition the hangers. I guess, even with minimal wave action, the vibration of Monday's trip broke the aged endcaps. Kudos to Clay! Being project oriented, I found it nice to have a project and a destination for our walk; I'm adapting to retirement, but I don't think I'll ever really like it! 

Tuesday evening found us in a group of eight Loopers seated at Mykonos, a Greek restaurant recommended by the marina staff. The congenial waitress took our orders, answering questions about Greek preparation, then served us huge portions of reasonably-priced menu items. I'm finding 'Greek' food often means 'seasoned-rubs' and tomato-based seasoned sauces. Delicious. And, we all took home leftovers!

Incorporated into our Wednesday morning walk was a stop at the 'sponge factory' to view a movie which explained the harvesting of sponges, the various kinds of sponges and their uses, etc. It was quite informative and had been highly recommended during the previous evening's dinner conversation. I took the opportunity to buy a few sponges and also some lotions/potions/soaps made with goats milk and olive oil. That evening, on the way back from dinner, again at Mykonos for me to order lamp chops (5 plus sides for $19.95--wow, can't even buy 5 chops at the grocery for $20) and Clay, lamb shank in a tomato-based sauce, we stopped at my new favorite sponge/soap shop for additional purchases. I found that this business has a location in Branson, MO, and the Greek proprietor talked excitedly and antimatedly about his trips to Branson. He's sold on Branson, MO!

On Thursday, Clay decided it was time to move farther down the coastline (by about 7-8 miles) to Dunedin, SaSea Sally's home for the next 1+ month while we enjoy Christmas at home with family and friends! Our departure included a stop at a nearby location to gas up from the Crossing; it wasn't pretty as Clay had underestimated the current of this river, and the dockhand was inept at best. A combination of factors yielded two full diesel tanks but a bent fender holder (lucky the experience wasn't more damaging!) We journeyed to Dunedin and arrived at Marker 1 Marina after successfully navigating the nearby bridge (you've received that email previously!).

Now docked at slip A12, we are enjoying beautiful, above-normal temperatures and sunshine. Thursday night's bill of fare included grilled burgers and zucchini (we have the boat's gas grill positioned and grilling mastered by now); Friday's dinner consisted of Mykonos' leftovers after we spent the day exploring downtown Dunedin by riding the Jolley Trolley (public transit system additional to the Pinellas County Transit bus system). The Jolley Trolley was such open air trolley of sorts that travels from the northern end, Tarpon Springs, to the southern end, Clearwater, stopping at bus stops and elsewhere along the way by merely being flagged down by those wanting to ride. $4.50 ($2.25 for seniors) buys unlimited one-day access to the trolley which runs on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. We had quite a bit of trouble figuring out, initially, where the trolley picks up passengers! Even the locals were of little help. But, we boarded the trolley and rode first into downtown Dunedin where we wandered through the historical downtown, explored the Friday farmers' market, and ate lunch at a cute, little outdoor cafe called the Broadway Deli and Cafe. Re-boarding the southbound trolley after Sally jumped up and down at the curb, waving her arms frantically to attract the driver's attention, we rode to the trolley's end at the Clearwater Publix (grocery), then back to our starting point in Dunedin. Was fun being on a wheeled, motorized vehicle, but the seats were sure uncomfortable!
Saturday dawned warm and sunny, and Sal spent much of the morning doing a large load of laundry at the facility on-site; because marina staff dock transients at the far end of the docks/fingers, it's usually a 'decent' walk to and from. 

Marker 1 hosted a low country shrimp boil over the lunch hour which we enjoyed along with a large crowd, all of whom were anticipating the boat parade Saturday evening in celebration of the Christmas holiday season. Clay and I were ill-prepared for the crowd that swelled as the sun set, all of whom appreciated the exquisitely-decorated/lighted boats. 

Having unloaded our bikes from the boat railings late Saturday afternoon in anticipation of a Sunday ride along the Pinellas Trail, we were sadly disappointed to awaken Sunday morning to missing bikes. Of course, that gave direction to our morning walk as we searched in vain for our vintage-1960's 'funky' foldable bikes. All of a sudden, the bikes, of which Sal wasn't too fond (funky, rusted, eye-sores, but worked) became "Oh, my bike :>( " (They photographed pretty darn well, we realized after filing a sheriff's report and having to email pix of said stolen bikes.) Returning to the marina after our morning walk, Clay extended boat hooks (poles) and raked the bottom of the harbor surrounding our boat, hoping against hope that maybe the 2 bikes got knocked in. No luck--yet.

I realize that, this boating world in which we are currently living, is an artificial society (Clay appropriately selected the adjective 'artificial'), this realization brought on by losing our bikes. Boaters are friendly, accommodating, quick to help/aid/and assist without being asked, courteous and congenial. We find few pretenses among our boater friends/acquaintances; we women wear no make-up, clothes with holes, and take orders from the captain, mostly without questioning (the saying, "The captain is always right" is accepted and makes for smooth sailing in most instances). The presumed theft of the bikes (slim chance they are on the harbor bottom which the marina diver will check out soon) came as a rude awakening because we've become lax in locking our belongings and careless in our assessing the honesty of the crowd around us.
Sunday and Monday have now passed in anticipation of Tuesday's flight home for the Christmas celebration. Again, we are leaving beautiful weather for home and family...gladly, tho' we may regret our eagerness once we arrive to 7 degrees windchill.

Until our S3 (SaSea Sally) journey resumes in mid-January, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years, 2014!


Friday, December 13, 2013

The Gulf Crossing

The Moorings of Carrabelle marina at 4:45am
December 2.   As I type this, we are in the final throes of the Gulf crossing. Given the fact that I can type is proof positive that this trip was far more gentle than either of us had far, anyway! 

We spent much of yesterday motion-proofing the cabin interior and decks; Clay showed up at dinner with a 3/4" rope of considerable length, intending to hog-tie the table and chairs together. Oh my! (I balked at this; he grinned and shied away; but I noted this morning that, in fact, the table and chairs are hog-tied; that's a bit overboard, don't you think!)

The channel leading out of Carrabelle at 5am
Various impressions have struck me as we've journeyed across the 170+ miles of the Gulf crossing...there's a lotta watta out there! Too, having no cell coverage, we opted to turn on the 60's XM radio station.  Hooray for the likes of the Beach Boys and the Mamas and Papas entertaining us because playing I SPY gets a little old after awhile (it's enthralling to spot a few dolphins, a duck, a seagull,  a boat, a sea turtle (?); I'm sure John Lersch or Bob Mustell would correct me on the ident of the fowl!).

First light!  About 10 miles out.

I had time to start--and finish--a dishcloth! Thanks, Cathy Taylor, for resurrecting my knitting skills; they've been put to good use! Betty Asquith, this one's for you as you're the one who was so concerned having me out in the wide open water! Thanks for your concern!

Sunrise, a pretty pink on the horizon.
Clay's body decided to stage a reenactment of his Thanksgiving malady last night. As such and knowing this was our weather window for crossing, I got a crash course in boat driving--more explicitly, auto piloting. He'd done his homework and had set the route on the GPS Chart Plotter, making my job relatively easy (the auto pilot follows the track). But, I must say I've spent far more time at the helm than I ever intended. As I said, I WILL be on that Dec 13th flight home!

Showing our flags in the warm, sun
Sunny, mostly clear skies.
Our plan was to get up by 4 a.m. and start the prep for departure this morning from Carabelle. Done deal! We beat the clock alarm by 10 minutes. I won't say we awakened to a cloudless sky; in fact, it was quite dark at 3:50 a.m., too dark to see clouds or no clouds, and stayed that way till dawn's early light about 6:30'ish. What an experience to have nothing else to do but watch the auto pilot and the dawn breaking! Not cloudless sky, but pretty darn good conditions for crossing today. We've had to hold tight to handrails as we walk about the boat; but the pitching and tossing hasn't happened.

First Mate taking a cat nap--yes the Capt. was at the helm.
I told Clay midway thru this cruise that I'm more valuable to this crossing than I thought I'd be (I'd offered for him to recruit another first mate in lieu of me but he declined); conversely, he has been less valuable than I thought he'd be. I've dubbed us Captain Sal and Sleeping Beauty. He's certainly caught up on his sleep from lack thereof the past night or so. Admittedly, I did take a brief nap mid-morning; 3:50 a.m. is early, even for me!

After reading this draft to him, I asked, "OK?" He said, "NO, I'd get more graphic! I've had 14 hours of hell." I'm sure he means his health and not the boat trip! We're now into crab pots, so I'd better sign off and help spot them...I SPY again, or kinda like hunting Easter eggs that are NOT a treasure to find, but rather to avoid!

Pirate ship on the marine way for repairs at Tarpon Spings
Post Script: We arrived at Turtle Cove Marina, Tarpon Springs, FL around 3:30 p.m. and reported in to both Float Plan designees, Walter and John Pitney. FYI, it is wise and prudent to file a float plan for journeys such as ours today with responsible parties; thanks, guys, for being responsible and for being our parties/friends! As we arrived within distance of land and thus cell phone towers, Clay dialed sister Sus for me to report's a twin thing (and after almost 35 years, he knows it. Thanks, Clay!) We now find ourselves docked at the transient dock slips with a number of other Loopers. It would be another reunion, but we're all pretty pooped right now. Thankful for leftover shrimp creole!

Signing off and thanking you for kind thoughts and well wishes as we made this stretch of our journey today. Stress and adventure involved. Stress (Sal/female) and adventure (Clay/male).